8 March 2025

This blog is about my spiritual journey over the last 30 years.

When did I become a spiritual seeker?

That’s hard to determine. I remember being in a kindergarten Sunday school class and being kind of a brat. My mom had given me a quarter to put in the offering bowl. But when the bowl was passed to me I didn’t want to let go of the quarter, and the Sunday school teacher had to pry it out of my little hand.

Later, in middle school, I was the difficult kid in the Wednesday evening bible study group because I was always asking questions. Like, if Adam and Eve were the very first people God created, then whom did their children marry?

Still, I went to church more regularly than the rest of my family, and even went to summer church camps. I’m not sure if I did this because I was a spiritual seeker or because there was precious little else to do in a small rural town in Missouri in the 1960s and 70s.

College and my 20s were hedonistic times where I gave little thought to religion or spirituality.

Around the time I turned 30 (coincidentally, the same age that Jesus appeared on the spiritual scene), I suddenly had a burning question: What is the purpose of life? Even more specific, what is the purpose of my life?

And thus began my true spiritual journey.

I started with the Course in Miracles, moved on to Zen meditation, practiced the Law of Attraction, went on a vision quest, traveled to India two times to visit Oneness University. And throughout it all read scores of spiritual books.

Have I become enlightened? No

But I have grown and expanded my consciousness. I haven’t just sat on my duff for the last 30 years, repeating my same patterns. And for that I pat myself on the back – for my dedication and tireless persistence.

Now, in my early sixties, I’m embarking on the next phase of my spiritual journey. This involves tapping into the great mystery via psilocybin, otherwise known as magic mushrooms.

If this sounds like I’ve reached the point of desperation, perhaps I have. But I plan to experiment with mushrooms and record my experiences here.

This is going to be fun. Or if not fun, at least adventurous.

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