I live in Colorado, where magic mushrooms are now legal for personal consumption. I want to try them and write about my experiences.
As Kismit would have it, as soon as magic mushrooms caught my attention, I’ve noticed tons of news articles and television programs on the topic.
Some of the best television programs are Fantastic Fungi and How to Change Your Mind.
Apparently, indigenous cultures around the world have known about the magic of psilocybin in mushrooms for centuries and used them for spiritual purposes. In the 1960s in the U.S. young people started experimenting with psychedelics, including LSD and mushrooms. But that all got shut down by the Nixon Administration.
Recently, some forward-thinking people have been promoting the mental-health benefits of magic mushrooms. They seem to be especially useful for people who have obsessive-compulsive disorders. And they’ve brought a lot of peace to terminally-ill people as well.
I have a lot of questions about this whole topic. So, I’ll be seeking answers to my questions, and passing along that information right here.